Bhagavad Gita – Chapter 1, Verse 14

Meaning of Bhagvad Gita, Chapter 1, Verse 14 by Author Mohit Kumawat

Bhagvad Gita – Chapter 1, Verse 14

Bhagvad Gita – Chapter 1, Verse 14


On the other side, both Lord Krishna and Arjuna, stationed on a great chariot drawn by white horses, sounded their transcendental conch shells.

On the other side, both Lord Krishna and Arjuna, stationed on a great chariot drawn by white horses, sounded their transcendental conch shells.


In this verse of Bhagvad Gita, Sanjaya describes the conch shells of both Lord Krishna and Arjuna as โ€˜Divyaโ€™ or transcendental. The transcendental conch shells heralded that there was no hope left for Duryodhanaโ€™s victory because Krishna was on Pandavas’ side.

Victory will always follow the people like the sons of Pandu because they are associated with Krishna. Also, the goddess of fortune, Laxmi, will closely follow the Lord wherever he is present because she never lives without her husband. Sanjaya laid this fact in this verse in his careful selection of the name, โ€˜Madhav.โ€™ Therefore, indicating to Dhritrashtra that victory and fortune awaited Pandavas.

In this verse of Bhagvad Gita, Sanjaya describes the conch shells of both Lord Krishna and Arjuna as โ€˜Divyaโ€™ or transcendental. The transcendental conch shells heralded that there was no hope left for Duryodhanaโ€™s victory because Krishna was on Pandavas’ side.

Victory will always follow the people like the sons of Pandu because they are associated with Krishna. Also, the goddess of fortune, Laxmi, will closely follow the Lord wherever he is present because she never lives without her husband. Sanjaya laid this fact in this verse in his careful selection of the name, โ€˜Madhav.โ€™ Therefore, indicating to Dhritrashtra that victory and fortune awaited Pandavas.

Significance of the Verse in Modern Society

Significance of the Verse in Modern Society

The phrase, โ€˜Victory will always be with those associated with Krishnaโ€™ is carefully used in the context of understanding this verse of the Bhagvad Gita. In a theistic approach, it can simply mean that success is for those who associate with God. But what of the contrapositive statement? Will an atheist or agnostic be never successful? Or tell this to the modern generation of the 21st century, and you will have him drifting from the concept of faith. Or perhaps their own culture.

So what to do? How to make sure that a person gets to imbibe the actual meaning?

For starters, try to omit the word โ€˜God.โ€™ Krishna is more than a heavenly deity that lives in heaven. Krishna is a feeling that resides in our hearts.

The phrase, โ€˜Victory will always be with those associated with Krishnaโ€™ is carefully used in the context of understanding this verse of the Bhagvad Gita. In a theistic approach, it can simply mean that success is for those who associate with God. But what of the contrapositive statement? Will an atheist or agnostic be never successful? Or tell this to the modern generation of the 21st century, and you will have him drifting away the concept of faith. Or perhaps their own culture.

So what to do? How to make sure that a person gets to imbibe the actual meaning?

For starters, try to omit the word โ€˜God.โ€™ Krishna is more than a heavenly deity that lives in heaven. Krishna is a feeling that resides in our hearts.

Lessons from Bhagvad Gita - Victory will be those associated with Krishna or the Truth

Shrimad Bhagavatam, or the Bhagvad Purana, establishes in the first verse itself who Krishna actually is. It states that Krishna exists in the form of truth, consciousness, and bliss. Therefore, those who find it difficult to imbibe the concept of a personified God who resides in some other dimension. They can easily place their faith in the truth and consciousness of the self.

To reiterate, โ€˜Success will always be with those associated with the Truth or true to their own consciousness.โ€™ Now this will be quite gullible to people for the millennia beyond. The only way to success in our material world is to stay true to ourselves, our goals, and others. Adherence to the truth, in turn, sets our consciousness free of any negativity. And once our minds are free from any kind of negativity, all we are left with is positivity. Positivity that will take us places we have never imagined.

Shrimad Bhagavatam, or the Bhagvad Purana, establishes in the first verse itself who Krishna actually is. It states that Krishna exists in the form of truth, consciousness, and bliss. Therefore, those who find it difficult to imbibe the concept of a personified God who resides in some other dimension. They can easily place their faith in the truth and consciousness of the self.

To reiterate, โ€˜Success will always be with those associated with the Truth or true to their own consciousness.โ€™ Now this will be quite gullible to people for the millennia beyond. The only way to success in our material world is to stay true to ourselves, our goals, and others. Adherence to the truth, in turn, sets our consciousness free of any negativity. And once our minds are free from any kind of negativity, all we are left with is positivity. Positivity that will take us places we have never imagined.

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