Can You Define Truth?

What is Truth? Explanation by Author Mohit Kumawat

I asked myself a simple question – What is Truth? And to my surprise, my brain failed to produce the answer. I was bewildered. How could it be so? Has someone asked me what water is? I would’ve not only stated the molecular formula with ease but actually traced the exact structure and its orientation in space. If you are wondering, then the molecular formula is H2O, and the O-H bonds are inclined at an angle of 104.5. But you are searching for the meaning of truth, so without scaring you with Chemistry further, let’s jump right into our discussion.

I asked myself a simple question – What is Truth? And to my surprise, my brain failed to produce the answer. I was bewildered. How could it be so? Has someone asked me what water is? I would’ve not only stated the molecular formula with ease but actually traced the exact structure and its orientation in space. If you are wondering, then the molecular formula is H2O, and the O-H bonds are inclined at an angle of 104.5. But you are searching for the meaning of truth, so without scaring you with Chemistry further, let’s jump right into our discussion.

What is Truth?

What is Truth?

In simple words, it is something that never changes. Yes, the meaning is that simple. But that doesn’t stop scholars from weaving millions of words and pursuing a thesis on the various aspects of truth, its different kinds, and its importance. Thus leaving doors wide open for numerous debates even if one takes refuge in lies and deception. Nonetheless, truth is related to reality and facts as they are. If someone were to ask my name, I would simply reply that it’s Mohit Kumawat. It is the truth of my existence. I was given this name when I was born, and it will remain unchanged till the day I die. But wait, is my existence a truth or fallacy? I wonder since I will not live forever, nor is anyone. Let’s dive a bit deeper.ย 

In simple words, it is something that never changes. Yes, the meaning is that simple. But that doesn’t stop scholars from weaving millions of words and pursuing a thesis on the various aspects of truth, its different kinds, and its importance. Thus leaving doors wide open for numerous debates even if one takes refuge in lies and deception. Nonetheless, truth is related to reality and facts as they are. If someone were to ask my name, I would simply reply that it’s Mohit Kumawat. It is the truth of my existence. I was given this name when I was born, and it will remain unchanged till the day I die. But wait, is my existence a truth or fallacy? I wonder since I will not live forever, nor is anyone. Let’s dive a bit deeper.ย 

The Truth of Our World
The Truth of Our World

Whatever you can see around you and as far as your eyes can is not permanent. We all know our bodies are constantly changing, our nature keeps on changing, and our solar system is undergoing continuous changes; even our Universe is a result of constant change. So, if everything is changing, can we simply say that everything is false? Certainly not. Then what is the reality behind our existence?

The absolute truth of the material world is to change. I used the word ‘material’ to reflect the fact that when I mean world, that is, the physical world composed of matter and energy. Ask a scientist, and he will tell you whenever the matter is subjected to change of any sort, it brings about a transfer of energy or vice versa. The Law of Conservation of Energy states that energy cannot be created or destroyed.

Whatever you can see around you and as far as your eyes can is not permanent. We all know our bodies are constantly changing, our nature keeps on changing, and our solar system is undergoing continuous changes; even our Universe is a result of constant change. So, if everything is changing, can we simply say that everything is false? Certainly not. Then what is the reality behind our existence?

The absolute truth of the material world is to change. I used the word ‘material’ to reflect the fact that when I mean world, that is, the physical world composed of matter and energy. Ask a scientist, and he will tell you whenever the matter is subjected to change of any sort, it brings about a transfer of energy or vice versa. The Law of Conservation of Energy states that energy cannot be created or destroyed.

What is the Absolute Truth of Our World. It is to Change.

Ask a religious person, and he will tell you that the world is made of five elements (matter) and God is the source of its creation (energy). And what is God? He would tell you that God is the Truth (the only constant of the infinite universes), and He cannot be created or destroyed. Thus, whatever terminology one uses, the fact remains the same. Our material world, composed of matter, is regulated by energy. The energy is the truth behind it. Or, to put it differently, God is the Ultimate Reality behind our material world.

Ask a religious person, and he will tell you that the world is made of five elements (matter) and God is the source of its creation (energy). And what is God? He would tell you that God is the Truth (the only constant of the infinite universes), and He cannot be created or destroyed. Thus, whatever terminology one uses, the fact remains the same. Our material world, composed of matter, is regulated by energy. The energy is the truth behind it. Or, to put it differently, God is the Ultimate Reality behind our material world.

Relative and Absolute
Relative and Absolute

After answering your question – What is Truth? Now let us try to understand the two kinds of truth, one is the absolute, and the other is relative.

Absolute Truthย is true in all conditions. While Relative Truth is more of subjective and can be different for different people based on varied perceptions, time, and place. For example, when I say the sun rises in the east and sets in the west, living entities need energy for survival. Such truths are Universal and won’t vary for people living in India, America, or the United Kingdom. However, if I said Indian food is extremely spicy. In this case, it might be too spicy for the Western world but not so much for an Indian. Such truths are classified under the category of relative.

In conclusion, although the meaning of truth is quite simple, it is the hardest virtue to possess. It is not because it is difficult to utter the truth. The truth often sounds bitter to those it is spoken to. It is perhaps why we usually take refuge in lies even when we are very well aware that they are unstable.ย 

After answering your question – What is Truth? Now let us try to understand the two kinds of truth, one is the absolute, and the other is relative.

Absolute Truth is true in all conditions. While Relative Truth is more of subjective and can be different for different people based on varied perceptions, time, and place. For example, when I say the sun rises in the east and sets in the west, living entities need energy for survival. Such truths are Universal and won’t vary for people living in India, America, or the United Kingdom. However, if I said Indian food is extremely spicy. In this case, it might be too spicy for the Western world but not so much for an Indian. Such truths are classified under the category of relative.

In conclusion, although the meaning of truth is quite simple, it is the hardest virtue to possess. It is not because it is difficult to utter the truth. The truth often sounds bitter to those it is spoken to. It is perhaps why we usually take refuge in lies even when we are very well aware that they are unstable.ย 

Message From the Author

I am always eager to bring some of the most general terms under the spotlight. Such terms have become so apparent that we have drifted from their actual meanings. Thus, you would find my blogs simply stating the obvious so that they become known to people. If you liked this, you would definitely love the new book I am working on. Please sign up for my newsletter so that I can notify readers once it is up.ย ย ย 


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