Knowledge, The Language of Information

Knowledge is Power for those who knows how to wield it. It is the language of information that played a significant role in the evolution of mankind

The human body and brain constantly evolved through millennia. While our body as we see today is a result of climatic, behavioral, and genetic changes that were sustained through an unbroken line of succession. Our brain, on the other hand, got accustomed to feeding on facts, information, and experiences to evolve into an analytical machine as we know it today. Fire was the first significant discovery made by archaic humans around 80,000 years ago. Today, humanity is making thousands of discoveries daily to make their lives convenient. That is the power of knowledge. It enabled us to take big leaps rather than walk or run when it came to utilizing our brains. Wielding knowledge as a tool, humans surpassed their fellow beings in almost all the pursuits.

The human body and brain constantly evolved through millennia. While our body as we see today is a result of climatic, behavioral, and genetic changes that were sustained through an unbroken line of succession. Our brain, on the other hand, got accustomed to feeding on facts, information, and experiences to evolve into an analytical machine as we know it today. Fire was the first significant discovery made by archaic humans around 80,000 years ago. Today, humanity is making thousands of discoveries daily to make their lives convenient. That is the power of knowledge. It enabled us to take big leaps rather than walk or run when it came to utilizing our brains. Wielding knowledge as a tool, humans surpassed their fellow beings in almost all the pursuits.


Before understanding the fundamental role knowledge has played in human evolution, first we need to question what knowledge even is?

Epistemologically, knowledge is defined as a true and justified belief. In order to establish a fact or information as knowledge, first there should be a foundational belief. Secondly, that belief should necessarily be in agreement with the truth. And third, the belief must be subjected through a series of justifications in order to become a valid knowledge.

For instance, when people used to say that the Earth was the center of the Universe, it was a mere belief of the people before scientific revolution. However, once it was discovered that the Earth was one of the planets of our solar system, it then became a well-established knowledge.

But how did knowledge become the tool that had a significant impact on the evolution of mankind?

Before understanding the fundamental role knowledge has played in human evolution, first we need to question what knowledge even is?

Epistemologically, knowledge is defined as a true and justified belief. In order to establish a fact or information as knowledge, first there should be a foundational belief. Secondly, that belief should necessarily be in agreement with the truth. And third, the belief must be subjected through a series of justifications in order to become a valid knowledge.

For instance, when people used to say that the Earth was the center of the Universe, it was a mere belief of the people before scientific revolution. However, once it was discovered that the Earth was one of the planets of our solar system, it then became a well-established knowledge.

But how did knowledge become the tool that had a significant impact on the evolution of mankind?

Knowledge is power for the learned. It is defined as a true and justified belief.

The survival of almost all the species depends on learning few skills like hunting, sheltering, fighting, etc. For archaic humans such skills also played a key role in their survival. However, what set humans apart was their intellect to develop a language that assisted them in better transmission of the knowledge.

Knowledge is power, but power alone is ineffective if we don’t have the means to wield it. For humans, the transmission of knowledge became possible by their unique language. After learning the language of information, we broke free from the shekels of genetic mutations for the transmission of knowledge to the successive progeny.

For example, for any herbivore to survive in wild, it should learn the life saving skills by actually experiencing it. If it is fortunate enough to survive, it cannot pass-on the wisdom to the off-springs. They would have to learn it the hard way. Gradually, some of the recurring knowledge might get embedded into the DNA. But humans broke free of this phenomenon. We make it a point to teach our off-springs as much as possible before they are ready to face the real world.

This singular aspect of knowledge has been extraordinarily rewarding for the human species. Look all around you, everything we have been able to build till now is a result of the knowledge we have been accumulating for thousands of years. But what other purpose knowledge has to serve besides the survival of a species?

The survival of almost all the species depends on learning few skills like hunting, sheltering, fighting, etc. For archaic humans such skills also played a key role in their survival. However, what set humans apart was their intellect to develop a language that assisted them in better transmission of the knowledge.

Knowledge is power, but power alone is ineffective if we don’t have the means to wield it. For humans, the transmission of knowledge became possible by their unique language. After learning the language of information, we broke free from the shekels of genetic mutations for the transmission of knowledge to the successive progeny.

For example, for any herbivore to survive in wild, it should learn the life saving skills by actually experiencing it. If it is fortunate enough to survive, it cannot pass-on the wisdom to the off-springs. They would have to learn it the hard way. Gradually, some of the recurring knowledge might get embedded into the DNA. But humans broke free of this phenomenon. We make it a point to teach our off-springs as much as possible before they are ready to face the real world.

This singular aspect of knowledge has been extraordinarily rewarding for the human species. Look all around you, everything we have been able to build till now is a result of the knowledge we have been accumulating for thousands of years. But what other purpose knowledge has to serve besides the survival of a species?


The knowledge which revolves around our material existence is termed as material knowledge. Material knowledge encompasses everything that we can physically interact with. When we interact with our surroundings, we gather facts and information based on our experience. These subjective experiences then take the form of objective knowledge when they receive enough endorsements for the validity of the same.

For instance, when we interact with fire, we come to know that we get burned if we venture too close to it. That is an experience. However, when enough people live through the pain caused by the fire-burn, it becomes a common knowledge that fire burns things. However, since the material things have a tendency to change, so does the knowledge that concerns them. Thus, material knowledge is crucial as far as our survival is considered.

The knowledge which revolves around our material existence is termed as material knowledge. Material knowledge encompasses everything that we can physically interact with. When we interact with our surroundings, we gather facts and information based on our experience. These subjective experiences then take the form of objective knowledge when they receive enough endorsements for the validity of the same.

For instance, when we interact with fire, we come to know that we get burned if we venture too close to it. That is an experience. However, when enough people live through the pain caused by the fire-burn, it becomes a common knowledge that fire burns things. However, since the material things have a tendency to change, so does the knowledge that concerns them. Thus, material knowledge is crucial as far as our survival is considered.

Becoming self aware is the essence of the power of spiritual knowledge

We are habitual to asking questions about the things that we can perceive with our senses. We are not at all interested in questioning what we cannot see, touch, hear, smell, or feel. Our brain is wired to search for answers to what we seek. We cannot have the answers to what we don’t even bother to ask.

Did you ever ask yourself questions like – who am I, am I just the body, what is my purpose? When we care enough to ask such questions, we realize that there is more to our existence than sleep, eat, work, repeat. Asking such questions makes us aware of the self. In true sense, awareness of the self is an important aspect of the spiritual knowledge. We cannot contemplate the power of knowledge in the spiritual pursuits.

We are habitual to asking questions about the things that we can perceive with our senses. We are not at all interested in questioning what we cannot see, touch, hear, smell, or feel. Our brain is wired to search for answers to what we seek. We cannot have the answers to what we don’t even bother to ask.

Did you ever ask yourself questions like – who am I, am I just the body, what is my purpose? When we care enough to ask such questions, we realize that there is more to our existence than sleep, eat, work, repeat. Asking such questions makes us aware of the self. In true sense, awareness of the self is an important aspect of the spiritual knowledge. We cannot contemplate the power of knowledge in the spiritual pursuits.


Knowledge has been of vital significance to humans since the dawn of time. Our brain remains hungry for knowledge much the same way our body crave for food. Thus, it becomes important for us to understand the various aspects of the material knowledge and spiritual knowledge. While the former is the key to our survival, the latter is concerned with the experience of the self. Due remembrance of the key difference can enable us to harness the true potential of the power of knowledge.

You would find more such topics covered in my upcoming book that goes with the title, Santosh.

Knowledge has been of vital significance to humans since the dawn of time. Our brain remains hungry for knowledge much the same way our body crave for food. Thus, it becomes important for us to understand the various aspects of the material knowledge and spiritual knowledge. While the former is the key to our survival, the latter is concerned with the experience of the self. Due remembrance of the key difference can enable us to harness the true potential of the power of knowledge.

You would find more such topics covered in my upcoming book that goes with the title, Santosh.

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