Bhagavad Gita – Chapter 1, Verse 19

Interpreting the importance of absolute truth from the Chapter 1, Shloka 19 of the Bhagavad Gita
Bhagavad Gita – Chapter 1, Verse 19
Bhagavad Gita – Chapter 1, Verse 19

The blowing of these different conch shells became uproarious. Vibrating both in the sky and on the earth, it shattered the hearts of the sons of Dhritrashtra.

The blowing of these different conch shells became uproarious. Vibrating both in the sky and on the earth, it shattered the hearts of the sons of Dhritrashtra.


In the previous verses of the Bhagavad Gita, when Bhishma and the others on Duryodhanaโ€™s side blew their respective conch shells, there isnโ€™t any mention of heartbreaking on Pandavasโ€™ part. In this verse, it is pointed out that the hearts of the sons of Dhritrashtra were shattered by the sounds vibrated by the warriors in Pandavasโ€™ army. It is primarily because of the Pandavasโ€™ confidence in the absolute truth or Hari. The one who has taken shelter of the Supreme Lord leaves fear behind. Even the greatest of calamities has no power over such a person.ย ย ย ย ย ย ย 

In the previous verses of the Bhagavad Gita, when Bhishma and the others on Duryodhanaโ€™s side blew their respective conch shells, there isnโ€™t any mention of heartbreaking on Pandavasโ€™ part. In this verse, it is pointed out that the hearts of the sons of Dhritrashtra were shattered by the sounds vibrated by the warriors in Pandavasโ€™ army. It is primarily because of the Pandavasโ€™ confidence in the absolute truth or Hari. The one who has taken shelter of the Supreme Lord leaves fear behind. Even the greatest of calamities has no power over such a person.ย ย ย ย ย ย ย 

Modern Interpretations of Bhagavad Gita
Modern Interpretations of Bhagavad Gita

In the light of the above verse from Chapter 1 of Shrimad Bhagavad Gita, the horrific vibrations from the conch shells that shattered the hearts of Duryodhana and his brothers can be taken as a metaphor. It is a heralding of the justice being served. Only a perpetrator of hideous crimes would flinch in the light of the truth. In our lives, whenever we have wronged someone, we live in constant fear of getting exposed. Sooner or later, a day comes when we are indeed on the verge of facing justice for our deeds. That is when our spirits tremble because we have already lived a thousand lies by the time truth is out.

Furthermore, the mention of Pandavas as fearless and confident reflects the fact that they had never nurtured any wrong intentions. Let alone doing anything terrible to their cousins. The Pandavas are personified asย righteousness,ย and their devotion to Hari is equivalent to taking refuge in theย absolute truth. The message is plain and straightforward; being righteous can be extremely difficult, but it makes one courageous. When a person surrenders to the truth, he harnesses the strength to side with the right. When both righteousness and truth find their way into a person’s heart, only then does he become fearless.

In the light of the above verse from Chapter 1 of Shrimad Bhagavad Gita, the horrific vibrations from the conch shells that shattered the hearts of Duryodhana and his brothers can be taken as a metaphor. It is a heralding of the justice being served. Only a perpetrator of hideous crimes would flinch in the light of the truth. In our lives, whenever we have wronged someone, we live in constant fear of getting exposed. Sooner or later, a day comes when we are indeed on the verge of facing justice for our deeds. That is when our spirits tremble because we have already lived a thousand lies by the time truth is out.

Furthermore, the mention of Pandavas as fearless and confident reflects the fact that they had never nurtured any wrong intentions. Let alone doing anything terrible to their cousins. The Pandavas are personified asย righteousness,ย and their devotion to Hari is equivalent to taking refuge in theย absolute truth. The message is plain and straightforward; being righteous can be extremely difficult, but it makes one courageous. When a person surrenders to the truth, he harnesses the strength to side with the right. When both righteousness and truth find their way into a person’s heart, only then does he become fearless.

The Graphic representation of the relation between courage, righteousness, and absolute truth by Author Mohit Kumawat

Absolute Truth

Absolute Truth

The simplest definition of truth states that it is something that never changes. The truth is adamant. On the other hand, we know that, by nature, lies are ever-changing. Thus a lie brings uncertainty which in turn is a cause of fear. Fear arises because of uncertainty. For instance, one is always fearful of their future, while your past, however terrible it had been, will give your courage. It is the uncertainty of the future which makes it fearful. Another example can be death. We all are aware of the absolute truth of death, yet we get afraid because of the uncertain time of death.

In case you wanted to read more about truth and its different kinds. How do truth and change supplement each other? Then do read my blog โ€“ Can You Define Truth?

The simplest definition of truth states that it is something that never changes. The truth is adamant. On the other hand, we know that, by nature, lies are ever-changing. Thus a lie brings uncertainty which in turn is a cause of fear. Fear arises because of uncertainty. For instance, one is always fearful of their future, while your past, however terrible it had been, will give your courage. It is the uncertainty of the future which makes it fearful. Another example can be death. We all are aware of the absolute truth of death, yet we get afraid because of the uncertain time of death.

In case you wanted to read more about truth and its different kinds. How do truth and change supplement each other? Then do read my blog โ€“ Can You Define Truth?

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